articles/how to avoid the trap of the steroids(part 2)

You have been taken into captivity by the steroids. You are using great doses of androgen but there is no movement forward. You haven’t been stopping the pill for a long time and you remember with sorrow the last time you stopped when kilograms have been disappearing from your body and the weight for a few hours, and you do not want this to happen to you again. To get out of this state with the smallest loss of musculature and strength, you must follow consistently the stages I have described below.


1. Psychological frame of mind

- Before you start with the change, get a clear idea about the situation in which you are at the moment. Stay alone and think about the lethal danger you subject yourself to (see “Side effects” from “The Trap of the Steroids” in the last issue) and find the exact and logical reason for doing so. Write your motives down on a sheet and compare them with the price of your health and longevity.

- Prepare for gradual decrease of the power achievements, lower self-confidence and decrease of the muscle mass, that will inevitably appear upon starting the “cleaning”. The loss would not be more than 20% if you have patience and follow strictly the instructions – allow time for yourself! The things cannot happen for a month or two. You will need four to eight months to reach a state where you will achieve without any roids enviable results at a table and strength in the gym. You will not be the same “beef” but if you decide you will be the same again with minor and light stimulation with “soft chemistry”. The duration of the recovery time is strictly individual, that is, it depends on the duration of the period during which you have not stopped, the size of the doses you have used, the individual psychical and physical state in which you are.

2. Material preparation

- In order to proceed with softer chemistry and next – with natural additives, you should need much more finance than you need now. Prepare money in order to afford buying high-quality products. Spare no expenses for your health and your future equilibrium. Think of yourself as of an expensive car that breaks down because you put low-quality oil, parts and petrol in it. Save money to get cleared. You may buy gradually some of the substances until you accumulate them in the necessary quantity and start action.

- Find a sure source for delivery of high-quality chemistry since you can easily come across fakes. Choose the highest-quality natural additives that would really be assimilated and will not go to the lavatory. Examine and compare the price for a dose supplied by the different companies but of a similar quality, and then you invest. Do not be afraid of the financial problems: they are nothing in comparison with the money you would have to pay for surgery, replacement of organs, hospital treatment, and so on, that will occur later in your life if you remain for a long time in the trap of the steroids. Getting out will be then a back-breaking task for most of you since you will have to pay thousands to save your life.

3. Include liver cleaning agents

The use of liver protectors is something that is forgotten by many people. Most of you think that you can get away with several tablets of carsyl. Some people who are genetically healthy may endure but most people can cause irremediable damages to their livers. The organ that recovers most quickly is not eternal – it needs additional help when you load it additionally. You have to know that even the training itself ruins the liver cells and the great amount of food also loads it. Taking of anabolic steroids, androgens in particular, which contain the 17-alpha-alkaline group of the carbon, intoxicate to a serious extent, and you may get hepatitis and cirrhosis. Use protectors during the cycle. Change them every 3 weeks, increase the doses when you are taking strong androgens. Continue to take them two to four weeks after stopping the roids. The products that are available at the Bulgarian market do not differ from the ones you can find all over the world.
Follows the list of some of them:
- Lipotropics, choline, inositol and methionine. They are contained in the soya lecithin, in the usual fat burners. The company MUSASHI offers them in a powder and capsule form in a 100% pure pharmaceutical concentrate.
- Carsyl (silimarinum) is the Bulgarian herb that is one of the best for recovery of the liver cells. Now it is widely used in a number of foreign products. You can find it in the formulae of some American companies and in Liver Tonik, a product of the Australian company MUSASHI.
- Rosemary – the traditional Bulgarian herb that you can find in a form of capsules, tea and pearls.
- Cysteine – one of the most powerful aminoacid antioxidants, that cleans the toxins out of the body. It is offered in a 100% pharmaceutically pure version by MUSASHI only, but is has a sour taste and unpleasant smell.
- Lipovitan – a product that is useful in larger doses.
- Esenciale Forte – you can find it in capsules and ampoules. When I read its content I start to think that the price exceeds the qualities and quantities it contains.
- Alanine, glycine, combined with methionine and vitamins of the B-complex group, plus other aminoacids that improve to a great extent the liver function. Look for this product in concentrated powder forms of a pharmaceutical quality to get the maximum action.

Combine together or individually these substances at different cycles to prevent your body from getting accustomed to one and the same substances that will not influence it.



The steroids named testosterone propionate, testosterone cypionate, testosterone suspension, testosterone enanate (testosterone depot), oximethalone (anadrol), sustanon, omnadren, halotestin, methandrostenolone (bianabol), flyoxytetholone (halotestin), trenbolon (parabolan) must be excluded from your scheme during the next phase. If you are taking them at the moment, the first thing you have to do during the first 30 days of this phase is to decrease the quantity of the oral androgen taken by you down to an acceptable dose. This has to be done gradually within 30 days. The most often used pill of the above listed ones is methane in the form of bianabol or another analogue. You change its dose to 5 mg mainly for the last few days of the first phase. Decrease by 10 mg every 5 days, and if you can’t decrease by 5 mg under this scheme for a period of 30 days, then do it up to 20 mg. Make the injections you take rarer in gradual steps down to 1 shot per 10 days. The aim is to decrease to the end the quantities of the strong chemistry for the first 30 days. It will be an individual process for each of you since your doses are different. If you cannot get oriented, ask your questions at e-mail:
The duration of the first phase can also be changed to 60 or more days you haven’t been stopping for more than a year.

- Take antiestrogens. Many people forget about it and “female teats” start growing on them and a number of other side effects appear. It is compulsory to take these substances together with the strong roids both at the end of the cycle and 2 weeks thereafter. The increase of the female hormones will bring forth a higher percentage of subcutaneous fat, traumas and other problems. The things you can have are climophen citrate and tamoxifen citrate or clomid that are various trade names of one and the same substance. Another version is Proviron (mesterolone). This is an androgen that can also be used, besides as an antiestrogen, as a stimulator of the spermatogenesis and the libido after the cycles. Its use must not be of a long duration and in great doses because it is harmful for the liver. There also exist other antiesrogens of a weak action and high price that you can also test. One of them is Cryzin – a vegetable isoflavone that you can take in large doeses. Saw Palmeto is the other tested vegetable antiestrogen.



Before you change the androgens with “anabolics” you can make 1 or 2 shots with Pregnil that can stimulate your sleeping testicles. For manufacture of testosterone. Do not use more shots nor greater doses since the stimulation of the gonads is also restricted. Although HCG is not an anabolic steroid it is also dangerous because it may be infected with mad cow but the risk has to be run if you want your testicles to function again.
The duration of the second phase may be 2 to 6 or more weeks. This is individual for anyone. The chemistry you are going to use here must be the one of the most soft weakly androgenic, strongly anabolic names. These are nondrolone (deca, extrabolin), stanozolol (winstrol, stanabol, stanzolol), mentenolone (primabolan), testosterone undecanoate (androlol, restandol, undestor), oxandrolone (anavar, lipidex), dromstolone (masterone). In the first part of this cycle you may use nondrolone and stanozolol. Select carefully the sources of delivery because you may find a lot of false deca, nondrolone and retibolil. Usually, they contain a cheap testosterone propionate that you must avoid during this phase. Be careful with the very low prices and do not buy from anyone. Until now, I have never come across a false 50-mg deca and 25-mg nondrolone so you can trust them. The mesterone is another alternative for the first half of the second phase but one can hardly find an original. As far as I know, Syntex does not produce mesterone anymore, and what is available in Bulgaria is a veterinary version about which some people say it works well but I do nor dare confirm this opinion. You may easily obtain a false version full of testosterone propionate. I have not come across fakes of an oral Winstrol at the Bulgarian market. I know that there is a copy of the ampoules that is why be careful but, on the other side, the injection is more harmless.

In the last part of the second phase you have to make a change, for 2 to 4 weeks depending on the severity of the case, to the best products about which the tough roids taker can tell you they are of no use. These are Primabolan, Anavar and Restandol. The side effects are strongly lowered that is why their price is higher as compared to the other substances of that kind. Oxandrolone is the most expensive of all them due to the fact that it is hard to find. The original is only produced in Italy under the name Anavar. There is an analogue of Lipidex, Brazil. The mentenolone known under the trade name Primabolan is a trademark of Shering Group and is produced in a number of regions in Europe. It is not often a subject of forgery, but, anyway, be careful. Until now I have not come across a fake of its tablet version. Testosterone undecaonate is an oral product about which I have never heard to be forged. It is produced under the name Restandol in the neighbour Greece and is a trademark of Organon, Holland.

For the last days you better use tablets whose dose you have to decrease gradually until coming to zero. Then, the third phase starts. The dosages, the combination of chemistries of the above said categories is strictly individual. I cannot recommend doses because there exists no universal scheme for that. You have alone to draw up your own system by examining well the doses indicated on the original packing of the products. You have to pursue them. Do not trust systems tested by your acquaintances, books and other sources. You just search for the principles and not for the values. The aim of this article is to make you understand how to protect yourself and improve fluently your physical state after problems occurred upon the use of steroids. If you get entirely in deep water and cannot get oriented, write to e-mail: in order to help you.

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