efedrine HCL
20 t/50 mg

The Efedrin is a substance, extracted from the efedra – a plant, growing in the dry regions of the earth. It is also known as "Ma Huang". It was used by the Chinese as early as before 5000 years to cure infections of the lungs. The plants in the different regions have different concentration of efedrin. The efedra from the Chinese region is with the best content of the substance. It is extracted exactly from the plant and is present in many medicines. But, due to a number of reasons, the efedrin is considered a doping and in some parts of the world is prohibited to be sold. It is believed to belong to the group of the beta-agonists, that increase the heart frequency and the body temperature.
The efedrin is a powerful stimulator of the metabolism. It is used against many illnesses, such as cold, asthma and bronchitis. The culturists may use it as it has the unique property to enter in the fatty cells and to mobilize them. This process is known as thermogenesis, as it is accompanied with the emission of energy (at the expense of the subdermal fats) even wothout an active work. Another important property of it is the improvement of reactions, resulting in better sporting attainments.
It is best the efedrin to be received in combination with coffein (coffee) and aspirin. The recommended dose is from 5îmg to 150mg daily, divided in three receptions, a half an hour before meal. Let people, suffering from high blood pressure, cardial problems or problems with the thyroid gland forget the efedrin.
If not used correctly, the efedrin may bring to you some troubles. Due to this danger, it is banned from selling in some parts of the USA. There is a danger exisitng most of all for those suffering from high blood pressure or of illnesses of the thyroid gland. The efedrin can strongly affect the central nervous system and cause heightened excitedness (in the bad sense). Many people complain that after the use of efedrin they suffer from insomnia, which is due to precisely the effect on the nervous system. Another unpleasant effect that is possible in the use of efedrin is stiffening in the muscles. It is observed due to the fact that the efedrin causes increased secretion of calcium from the muscles. In order to prevent the unpleasent stiffenings in the muscles, it is best to receive medicines containing calcium, together with the efedrin. In case of serious over-dosage the efedrin increases the blood pressure and the risk of stroke. There are cases where immediate medical intervention is necessary to prevent the fatal consequences. So that be careful and do not go too far with the doses, especially if you suffer from diabetes. It will be good you to consult a doctor – specialist prior to start using efedrin.
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